Thursday, November 11, 2010

John Gabriel Borkman

My wife's birthday is on Saturday and we took the opportunity to see this play at the Abbey Theater. Alan Rickman as the title character and Fiona Shaw as his long suffering wife.

The Irish media has made much of this play due to its timely revival (Borkman, a banker, was once a "great" man and is now ruined after a financial scandal and jail). It last played at the Abbey in 1928 and will next travel to Broadway...

There is something about Ibsen that makes his work almost timeless. His acute understanding and insight into the complexity of human relationships, his respect for and frequent showcasing of the strength of women, and his inclusion and focus on the changing society around him keep him relevant as a playwright today.

They say he is the most performed playwright in the world... after Shakespeare...

This was a sold out run and a rewarding theater experience.