Friday, June 17, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Based on a Philip K. Dick story (whose work also was the genesis for Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall), Matt Damon stars as an up-and-coming New Yorker running for the Senate who shall we say, runs up against fate.

This is a modern dramatization of the age-old question: Do we choose our own fate in life or is it already chosen for us?

There's an unseen Chairman who is in charge of agents (otherwise known as angels) who help to steer Damon's character back on course after he gets off his own fate track to pursue his love for a woman (Emily Blunt) that has unintended consequences down the road.

Love wins out in the end but it turns out that... well, I'll let you see this film and see if the ending is as unsatisfying to you as it was to me.

I enjoyed this film and it definitely makes you think of important theological and philosophical concepts such as a "higher power" and how our day-to-day choices (such as getting on a particular bus at a particular time) that we believe are mundane at the time can become so important when we reflect on them much later.

This is ultimately a love story and worthy of seeing...