Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Wife - Part 2

... two weeks later my wife had another episode requiring another emergency visit to the hospital.  This time I took her directly to a newer medical facility in Dublin associated with the University of Pittsburgh.

She was hospitalized for half a month before she was just released this past week.

The doctors were never quite sure what was wrong but they finally narrowed it down to an unspecified virus.  So after a CT-scan and two MRI's of her brain, a visit to a neuro-opthamologist, a CT-scan of her neck arteries, an endoscopy, an X-ray of her lungs, a CT-scan of her heart, an ultrasound and CT-scan of her abdomen, numerous blood tests, an angiogram, and a lumbar puncture... our prayers have been answered and she has continued to gain strength and recovered enough to be allowed to now rest at home.

She's doing much better and I thank God and her friends and family that nourished her with prayers, thoughts, cards, flowers, and love during this difficult time.

The nurses and staff at The Beacon were wonderful and we are grateful to everyone for your kindness and support.