Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hedda Gabler

We recently saw this play at the Gate Theater in Dublin.

Described as "Brian Friel's Variations on a Play by Ibsen," this was the first time I'd seen "Hedda Gabler," though I first read the play maybe ten or fifteen years ago.

Written in 1890, this still remains one of the classic dramas based upon a modern female character of great strength and inner conflict. Hedda at her core is a woman that wishes she were a man.

There was not an empty seat in this medium-sized theater for this limited run. This suited me just fine as it added a particular energy to the experience of the play. This combined with the quick pacing of the updated 19th Century dialogue made for a formidable and enjoyable theater experience.

Still one of the best and most shocking endings of any play (though I think it plays out better in the reader's mind than what is experienced as a theater-goer).