Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Social Network

I wasn't sure how this film could be made to be interesting but I have to say that it was.

Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, A Few Good Men) intertwined the creation of Facebook by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) with the two legal claims that later resulted (one by the Winklevoss twins who somewhat justifiably claimed he stole their idea and the other by his friend Eduardo Saverin after his ownership share was cut in a most Machiavellian manner)after it was created.

As they say, drama ensued...

And plenty of it.

There's a certain energy that this film has that results from a combination of having a gazillion dollars at stake, a posse of youth involved in creating possibly the last dot-com big thing, a (somewhat) sympathetic protagonist, and Sorkin's trademark snappy dialogue.

I was pleasantly surprised.