Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day Five

Just four films today.  Seems like a breeze compared to yesterday...
  • Bam Gua Nat ("Night and Day")
  • Yasukuni (documentary)
  • Standard Operating Procedure
  • Happy-Go-Lucky
Bam Gua Nat
A Korean film based in Paris. An artist flees to Paris to escape arrest in his home country, leaving behind a wife. Lonely in a city where he doesn’t speak the language, he establishes a relationship with a younger Korean female. An overly long film but does show elements of a man struggling with sin and temptation.

A controversial documentary made by a Chinese director taking a critical look at the Japanese war shrine of Yasukuni. A professional effort that has brought threats of death to the Chinese director prior to its Tokyo release in April.

Standard Operating Procedure
An Errol Morris attempt to dig deeper behind the photographs from Abu Ghraib. A failure as an engaging documentary.

Happy Go Lucky
Mike Leigh brings us a character piece about a woman; cheerful in nature, and the effect she has on those around her. Not much dramatic action here to sustain my interest.