Saturday, July 4, 2009



A powerhouse acting performance by Paprika Steen is the main attraction in this gritty Danish tale of an aging alcoholic actress recently released from rehab.

The blurring distinction between her real life and her acting life through the lens of alcohol caused the disintegration of her family and the loss of custody of her two children.

Her ex-husband is now remarried to a stable and calm woman and provides a proper shelter for the two young boys.

Fighting against her addiction while yearning for a renewed relationship with her children provides ample tension in this well directed piece of art.

This story is also highlighted with additional contrasts with inserts of the main character as she portrays Martha in a modernized performance of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”

If you liked Gena Rowlands in John Cassevetes' "Woman Under the Influence" you will very much enjoy this...