Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Kids Are All Right

Very much a modern family tale as it involves the search (by two IVF-conceived teenagers) for and relationship with a sperm donor father and his subsequent inter-relationship with the children's two moms.

Annette Bening was nominated for an Academy Award for her acting role here but besides lowering her voice and standing with her hands on her hips I'm clearly not understanding how this nomination came about. I don't want to keep repeating myself but please see my earlier posts on Natalie Portman in Black Swan and Nicole Kidman in Rabbit Hole for further insight into my thoughts with respect to some of the Academy Award acting nominations, especially for the women, this year.

This was a PC nomination for Bening, rather than a nomination for her craft and skill. She was excellent in Valmont, The Grifters, and American Beauty but this performance falls far short when compared to of any of those...

Mark Ruffalo, as always, give a lovable performance.