Friday, February 4, 2011

Rabbit Hole

Based on a play (which won the Pulitzer and was also nominated for a Tony award) this is the film version of the story of married couple Becca (Nicole Kidman) and Howie (Aaron Eckhart) and the tortured journey of their relationship after the accidental death of their son Danny.

An emotionally honest and riveting drama.

Their relationship travels the vast roller coaster of the many stages of grief that is the aftermath of their loss and yet survives.

This is a story of hope...

I do want to mention, as I mentioned previously with Black Swan, that acting accolades (in my humble opinion) seem to be too generously given out for certain performers today. Nicole Kidman is one of them as she was nominated for an Academy Award for this film and I really don't think this was her best work, by any stretch of the imagination (her liberal use of Botox isn't helping with her facial emotiveness, something an actor desperately needs). I find it difficult to believe that the Academy found this to be deemed one of the top 5 acting performances of 2010. This might also be a case in support of the often heard complaint that there is a dearth of good acting roles for women in today's films.

Aaron Eckhart, an often under appreciated actor, gave an honest and compelling performance as Howie.