"Do Bolu" ("Till it Hurts")
A Polish short documentary (not in our competition) that tells the story of a 53-year old psychiatrist who still lives at home with his mother.
This tragicomedy raises many Freudian issues when the psychiatrist falls in love for the first time and considers leaving his mother.
Funny, sad, yet very human this was a treat to watch and to visit with the filmmaker during the Q&A afterwards...
"Volcok" ("Wolfie")
A typical Russian film that is akin to a bottomless pit of sorrow...
Featuring beautiful cinematography, directing, and performance by the lead actress, this is a tale of a truly horrible, neglectful, selfish mother as viewed through the lens of her young daughter.
There is really nothing uplifting about this story at all and as with the Moroccan film, it is the child that pays the price for the parent's behavior in the end...