An excellent Polish film accurately portraying border life in modern Poland.
Presented in a gritty documentary style it is the dark journey of young Tomek as he is slowly lured from his stable family life as a good student and son to making money in an illicit manner to provide for his spoiled girlfriend Marta.
Tomek's journey represents one of the few choices available to Poland's youth as the country grows in affluence and materialistic tendencies...
Not an easy film to watch... but it keeps your attention every step of the way... and the actor who plays Tomek is fascinating to watch.
"Un Ange a la Mer" ("Angel at Sea")
Set in Morocco this is a French-Canadian film that was one of my least favorites so far.
The father suffers from chronic bipolar depression and tells his son, Louis, a secret that Louis must promise not to share.
The secret? The father will soon kill himself.
The behavior of Louis during his secret quest to save his father raises eyebrows and questions from the rest of the family.
Depression is painful to watch on film as it is dramatically lacking and very, very boring...
It is Louis that pays the price in the end...